Work in Progress
Lubunga Mode is a collaboration of a small interdisciplinary [applied] Foreign Affairs Lab team of the University of Applied Arts Vienna und the kongolese choreographer and performance artist Faustin Linyekula (Studios Kabakos). It is a long term project based in Lubunga, a politically and infrastructually neglected neighbourhood of the city Kisangani in East D.R. Kongo. The first step is to investigate, understand and visualize lubunga’s water on the bases of an on site research in September 2013. Team: Head of Lab: Bärbel Müller; Frida Robles, Jürgen Strohmayer, Stefanie Theuretzbacher, Theresa Theuretzbacher; Studios Kabakos: Faustin Linyekula, Virginie DuprayMission Statement:
To understand the complexity of Lubunga’s water situation, we will focus on five geographic areas that are representative of the district as a whole. The chosen focal points have different degrees of urban density and include varying scenarios of the local water situation. The areas are described as varying radii on a map. There are three main parameters that distinguish between the five circles. These are urban density, location, and water typology. The team will use three methods to approach these scenarios: spatial, scientific, and narrative. The spatial scenario will be mapped using descriptive drawings, collages, and plans. The scientific approach will analyse the water chain in terms of source, supply, consumption, and disposal. The narrative view will be based on personal interviews and a one-question survey of children in Lubunga.